You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.6. Transactions - Batch Materials > Maintaining Materials Details > Job Material Batch Entry - Job Inq
Job Material Batch Entry - Job Inq

You use the Job Inq button on the Job Material Batch Entry (Enter Material) screen to perform an inquiry on the selected job.

  1. Display the Job Material Batch Entry (Enter Material) screen.

Refer to "Maintaining Materials Details".

  1. Select the Job Inq button.

Micronet displays the Job Information screen for the type of job selected, i.e. a normal job, internal job or manufactured job.

For information on this screen and the further inquiries you can perform on it, refer to "Reports - Job Inquiry".

  1. When you have finished your inquiry, close the inquiry screen.

Micronet redisplays the Job Material Batch Entry (Enter Material) screen.